Word’s Worth

8 02 2008

What is someone’s word worth? Speaking for myself I’ve always prided myself on being a man of my word, I consider my word to be binding. In my personal life this has often lead to me overreaching, spreading myself too thin as I attempt to take on too much (one of the many reasons I think GTD can improve my life). In a professional capacity, however, I’ve always kept my word.

That, I think, is what makes it all the more galling when the firm that I interviewed with last Thursday, having told me they would be following up last Friday have still not been in touch. Nor have I been remiss in my own follow-up, I called on Monday, and yesterday, a week after interview. Although we were told, during a presentation about the firm, that they were being patient and not rushing their recruitment process, at every point (both after the interview on Thursday and when I have called up myself to follow-up) I have been assured that I would receive feedback swiftly, and have not.

If someone had simply said something along the lines of “Sorry, we’ve decided to take our time and might not be making a decision as quickly as we initially thought” I would have been happy to wait. Their decision to not rush into taking on people who are unsuitable is something I think more employers should emulate. However the way that they have conducted themselves since the interview is not. Having formed a great initial impression about the firm from my earlier encounters, this waiting period has seriously soured me on the prospect of working for them, and blunted my enthusiasm severely.

Of course, I say that now but if they were to come back with a favourable response soon I would be very quick to change my tune. Then again, the longer they take, the more likely that any response will not be favourable. The whole thing is threatening to give me a stomach ulcer. In a rare role reversal I am now turning to you lot for guidance (clearly I must be desperate). Do any of you have any tips or advice, for follow up or relaxation?

NOTE: Any tips or advice will be ignored, only to later be passed off as my own.